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Wadi rum is a beautiful mountainous desert region in Southern Jordan becoming increasingly popular with tourists seeking to discover the natural beauty of this preserved area.

Lawrence Spring
Laurence of Arabia is reputed to have washed and watered his army`s camel at this spring. Located close to Rum village, Lawrence Spring offers to visitors a chance to see ancient inscriptions and if they choose to climb the nearby rocks, they will have a stunning view on the Wadi Rum desert.

Khazali Canyon
A deep, narrow canyon in the mountain side, featuring Nabatean and early Arab carvings, as well as providing a welcome relief from the sun.

Um Frouth Rock Bridge
A short climb reward visitors with a terrific photo opportunity and an amazing view of the surrounding desert.

Burdah Rock Bridge
Difficult to reach but well worth it. This natural rock bridge provides a bird's eye view of the desert.

Rgabit Alwadak Rock Bridge ( little Arch)
An easy climb and another stunning view of the desert.

Lawrence's House
Originally the Nabatean structure used as a store and rest house by Nabatean traders, Lawrence and his army spent two weeks relaxing here before moving north into Syria.

Sand Dunes
Enormous deep red sand dunes that are fun to climb with an impressive view of the canyon.

Sunset in Wadi Rum
There is simply nothing else like this.

Jebel Um Adami
The highest point in Jordan at 1836 meters above sea level, right on the Jordanian-Saudi border. Visitors enjoy climbing and Trekking in this remote area, and you can even see the Red sea from the top when the sky is clear.

Anfashieh Inscription
This mountain is famous for its ancient inscriptions, which are remarkably well preserved. Anfashieh has numerous Thamudic and Nabatean inscriptions of animals, humans and camel caravans left by ancient traders and nomads.

Nabatean Temple
Used bu Nabateans to worship ALLAT (Goddess). This temple was built on the ruins of Allat temple of the AAD Tribe.
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